Copie wiki

This page is the contents page for the new Manual for COPIE Tool for Inclusive Entrepreneurship the idea is that individual pages will be written collaboratively by Copie experts and will be linked to the tool website on when it is ready. There will also be help pages

1. How the tool works (three main elements etc.)
2. Getting started: funding, partners, who to involve
3. Sorting out geographies
4. Appointing an expert
5. Selecting interviewees (sampling etc)
6. Adapting the questions (on the online version)
7. Conducting interviews and Using the tool online for entering data
8. Analysing results - producing traffic lights and graphs online and generating scoring and evidence summaries
9.The structure of the report
10.Researching best practice to address areas of weakness (exchange, benchmarking transfer) 11. Holding a stakeholder meeting to feed back
12. Going to the next level: Developing an action plan for inclusive entrepreneurship
13. Repeating the tool
Annex 1 Version 2 of the tool
